Constanza Tripolone

Posdoctoral fellow
Institute of Research in Light, Environment, and Vision (ILAV), UNT – CONICET.

I conducted my doctoral studies at the National University of Tucumán in Argentina (Advisors: Elisa Colombo and Luis Issolio). Then, I moved to the University of Illinois at Chicago in the United States for a three-year postdoctoral stay in the laboratory of Dr. Dingcai Cao. After that, I obtained a position at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina, where I established my lab. I’m currently doing a research stay in the Laboratory of Dr. Karl Gegenfurtner at the Giessen University in Germany.

I’m interested in understanding how signals from photoreceptors in the eye are combined to build different light-dependent functions, such as vision and non-visual physiological responses. I use psychophysics, computational modeling, and pupillometry to carry out my investigations. Mainly, my research is fundamental, but part is applied mostly in the ophthalmology field. Also, I’m interested in the study of chromatic regularities in nature, and science dissemination and politics in developing nations. I’m maintaining collaborations with researchers in Germany, Spain, Portugal, the US and the UK.

Departamentos, Centros y Programas:

Áreas de interes:




I got my university degree in Biomedical Engineering. After that, I conducted my doctoral studies at the National University of Tucumán, in Argentina (Advisors: Drs. Pablo Barrionuevo and Luis Issolio). Currently, I’m doing my postdoctoral research at the National Scientific and Technical Council of Argentina.
I’m interested in understanding how the different retinal cells contribute to visual and non-visual signal processing. My studies are aimed at assessing and detecting retinal cells diseases, such as glaucoma. For this purpose, I use psychophysics and pupillometric tools with a promising application in the ophthalmology field. Recently, electroretinographic techniques were added to my investigations.

I’m interested in understanding how signals from photoreceptors in the eye are combined to build different light-dependent functions, such as vision and non-visual physiological responses. I use psychophysics, computational modeling, and pupillometry to carry out my investigations. Mainly, my research is fundamental, but part is applied mostly in the ophthalmology field. Also, I’m interested in the study of chromatic regularities in nature, and science dissemination and politics in developing nations. I’m maintaining collaborations with researchers in Germany, Spain, Portugal, the US and the UK.

