During the third week of December 2024, members of the VNL team, together with Dr. Alejandra Korstanje (ISES, CONICET-UNT), conducted a scientific campaign to collect spectral data in the natural landscapes of Barranca Larga. This village, located 2500 meters above sea level in the pre-puna area of the province of Catamarca, Argentina, was the ideal setting to measure the irradiance of sunlight and capture photographs to analyze the colorimetric distribution of the environment.
This activity is a key component in the PhD thesis work of José Fanchini, who is researching color vision in natural environments.
During the visit, valuable contact was also established with local school students. An educational talk was given about light and the colors we perceive, encouraging the students to participate in the school science fair with related projects. It was an enriching experience that connected science with the community and awakened curiosity in the new generations.